
Geyser Installation and Repair

Geyser installation and repair of solar, gas, and electric geysers in Sandton. Fixed prices, reliable service. Contact us for a free quote.

Types of Geysers We Handle

Solar Geysers

Electric Geysers

Gas Geysers

We provide expert installation and repair services for solar, gas, and electric geysers. Our certified plumbers ensure efficient solar geyser setups, reliable gas geyser maintenance, and quick electric geyser repairs, ensuring your hot water needs are met promptly and professionally. For more plumbing Services, visit our  homepage.

Geyser Repair Services

Our geyser repair services in Sandton cover all your needs. Whether your geyser isn’t heating up or has other issues, our certified plumbers offer efficient solutions. We handle element replacement, thermostat issues, and provide a clear maximum repair cost for transparency.

Element Replacement

If your geyser isn’t heating up, it may need an element replacement. We charge R1800, which includes both materials and labor. Our certified plumbers ensure quick and reliable replacement, restoring your hot water supply promptly.

Thermostat and Element Replacement

In rare cases, both the thermostat and element need replacing. We offer this comprehensive service for R2250. Our team accurately diagnoses and efficiently replaces these parts to get your geyser functioning optimally.

Maximum Repair Cost

We maintain a maximum repair cost of R2500 for geyser repairs, ensuring no unexpected expenses. This transparent pricing covers extensive repairs, providing peace of mind and reliable service from our experienced plumbers.

Sandton Plumbing

Sandton Plumbing Contact Number

Call Sandton Plumbing at 073 707 8085 for same day plumbers. We are open every day, including Sundays. Get a free estimate by calling us. Our team is ready to provide reliable and efficient plumbing solutions.

+27 73 707 8085

Sandton Plumbing Geyser repair and Installation

Sandton Geyser Repairs And Installations

Our certified plumbers specialize in repairing and installing solar, gas, and electric geysers. Whether it’s a new installation or an urgent repair, trust our reliable service in Sandton for all your geyser needs. We ensure efficient, top-quality solutions every time.

Geyser Installation Services

Our expert plumbers provide top-quality geyser installation services in Sandton, ensuring you always have a reliable hot water supply. We handle both new installations and replacements with professionalism and efficiency. Whether you need a new solar, gas, or electric geyser, our team offers precise installation tailored to your needs. For replacing an existing geyser, we charge a competitive rate of R1650, covering removal and installation. With certified plumbers, we guarantee seamless integration and optimal performance of your new system. Trust Sandton Plumbing for reliable, efficient, and professional geyser installation services, ensuring your home or business always has the hot water it needs. Contact us today to schedule your installation and experience our top-notch service.

Geyser Replacement From R1650

Geyser Installation R$$$

Sandton Plumbing Drain Unblocking

Affordable Drain Unblocking Prices

Our drain unblocking prices start at R650 for sinks, bathrooms, and showers. Sewer drains from R950. Request a free quote for storm water drains.

Sandton Plumbing geyser repair prices

Affordable Geyser Repair Prices

Discover our friendly price packages for geyser repairs, offering fixed, transparent rates. Enjoy reliable service with no hidden fees.

Fixed-Price Geyser Repairs in Sandton

Need an idea of geyser repair costs? Sandton Plumbing offers fixed prices for reliable service. If your geyser isn’t heating up, it may need a new element, costing only R1800 inclusive of materials and labor. In rare cases, the thermostat might also need replacing, bringing the total to R2250 for both parts. The maximum cost for geyser repairs is R2500, ensuring you never face unexpected charges. If your geyser is leaking and requires replacement, we charge R1650 to replace the existing unit, providing a cost-effective solution. For gas and solar geyser repairs, a detailed quotation is required to address specific issues. Contact us today for efficient, transparent service and enjoy peace of mind knowing your geyser is in expert hands. Our team is ready to assist with all your geyser repair needs promptly and professionally.

Element Replacements R1800

Element And Thermostat For R2250

Why Choose Us

Choosing Sandton Plumbing ensures you receive top-notch service every time. Here’s why

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+(27) 73 707 8085



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Frequently Asked Questions

We provide 24/7 emergency repairs, reliable installations, and comprehensive maintenance for all plumbing needs.

We charge R950 for sewer drains and R650 for sinks, bathrooms, and showers. Request a free quote for storm water drains.

Geyser element replacement is R1800, thermostat and element is R2250, and the maximum repair cost is R2500. Geyser replacement is R1650.

Yes, all our plumbers are certified and experienced, ensuring high-quality service and customer satisfaction.

Call us at 073 707 8085 for all plumbing inquiries or to book a service. We’re available 24/7.

Yes, we provide free estimates for all our plumbing services to ensure you know the costs upfront before any work begins.

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